Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Most Israelites Did Not Go Into the Assyrian Captivity; they had left Palestine many centuries before that.

As they listen to the false judeochristian clergy, the priests of baal in the whore houses called churches in America today, our people are not told that most Israelite NEVER went into the Assyrian Captivity.

There are some, but not many, that have realized that at least three times as many Israelites left their homeland before the captivities began,either compelled by the increase n population, or beginning with the ninth century B.C., for fear of the Assyrian power,which then was invading the land of the Hittites and Syria.

Moses had told them they would not remain long in Palestine;

Deuteronomy 4:26‑27

26: I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that YE SHALL SOON UTTERLY PERISH FROM OFF THE LAND WHEREUNTO YE GO OVER JORDAN TO POSSESS IT; ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed.

27: And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead you.

But he didn�t tell them all the reasons for it and that is because they were going to be led by Yahweh to the real promised land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (See 2 Samuel 7:10;

1 Chronicles 17:9; Jeremiah 3:18; 12:15; 16:13‑15; 23:3‑8; 50:17‑19; Isaiah 14:1; Ezekiel 28:25; 34:13; 37:21; 39:26-28; Amos 9:14‑15)

Ever since the reign of Jeroboam, Israel had rejected Yahweh and worshiped Baal and the Golden Calf; and the retribution was not long in coming. Like all other nations that have defied God, Israel also had to pay for their folly, although they did not know the why and the wherefore of their punishment; neither does Israel of today, Ephraim (United States); Asher (Sweden); Manasseh (Great Britain); Gad (Italy); Judah (Germany); Reuben (Holland); Simeon (Spain); Issachar (Finland); Naphtali (Norway); Dan (Denmark); Zebulun (France); Benjamin (Iceland), realize the cause of their depression. Natural reactions have their cause in spiritual neglect; for every bad deed there is a punishment, just as the depression of the 30s had its source in the spiritual decay of our age; but our nation does not seem to grasp it yet. So also did natural enemies like Assyria and Babylon arise to carry out the Divine Judgment upon a Godless people.

As early as the reign of Ahab and Jehu, kings of Israel, we read:

2 Kings 10:32‑33

32: In those days the LORD began to cut Israel short: and Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel;

33: From Jordan eastward, all the land of Gilead, the Gadites, and the Reubenites, and the Manassites, from Aroer, which is by the river Arnon, even Gilead and Bashan.

From these words we may take it that it was during this period, about 900 to 800 B.C., that the disintegration of the Kingdom of Israel or the Beth-Sak commenced; Beth-Sak is the Phoenician name for �The House of Isaac.� The prophet Amos also calls them by the same name in 7:6. Likewise, it is of great nterest and importance to us that on the Armarna Tablets the Habiru, Habiri, or Abiri, who conquered Palestine under Abdasherahor Joshua are also named the Saga or Saka men. (Refer to the Oldest Letters in the World, by Bristowe, page 32)

Thus, it appears that Israel was their Biblical name ONLY, while their heathn neighbors and enemies spoke of them as Habiru or H�Abiri, and Saga or Sakai, sons of Sac of Isaac; that is one of the reasons why they were so easily lost to later historians.

The real captivity of the Beth-Sak began in 745 when Tiglath-Pileser came and took large portions of the tribes of Asher, Zebulun, Issachar, and Gad into Assyria, as recorded in 2 Kings 15:29.

There are many people who believe that Israel should be looked for in the East in the same place where they were lost. Those people do not realize that it all depends upon whether the thing we lose has legs or not. If we have lost a knife or any other object, it is more than likely that the object is still where we dropped or lost it, but if we have lost a cat or a dog, a boy, for instance at a certain spot, the chances are that they will move away from there.

And so it was with the so-called Lost Tribes; they were a lively bunch, always �gadding about� and venturesome, ever pushing westward towards the setting Sun like all the Hebrew-Phoenicians, in obedience to the Word of God:

Hosea 12:1

1: Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind...

The Assyrian Empire was at the height of its power at the time it invaded Palestine, but rapidly delined after 185,000 of its soldiers perished in the siege of Jerusalem, as recorded in 2 Kings 19:35; and with its ending the fortunes of the Sak-Geloths, the prisonsers of Isaac, naturally changed, for according to Prophecy, the eye of Yahwah was watching over them.

Amos 9:8‑9

8: Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD.

9: For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.

In 720 B.C., Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, invaded Israel and laid siege to its capital, Samaria, which fell after three years in 717 B.C., to Sargon II, successor to Shalmaneser. The account of this siege is given in 2 Kings 17:5-6 and 18:11:

2 Kings 17:5‑6

5: Then the king of Assyria came up throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria, and besieged it three years.

6: In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.

A record of this Fall of Samaria was found written on the walls of the palace of Sargon II at Nineva, which reads:

�In the beginning of my reign I besieged, I took by the help of the god Shamash...the city of Samaria. Twenty-seven thousand two hundred and eighty of its inhabitants I carried away...I took them to Assyria and put into places people whom my hands had conquered. I set my officers and governors over them, and laid on them a tribute as on the Assyrians.�

It was the Assyrian custom to take the inhabitants of a country and exchange them with those of another conquered territory. According to the Bible record, the Sak-Geloths, or prisoners of Isaac, were taken to the river Gozan and into the cities of the Medes.

Professor Hannay identifies the Gozan with theUsen river that flows northward through the land of ancient Media into the Caspian Sea. The location of Israel�s banishment was therfore four hundred miles east of Nineveh and formed one of the outlying districts of the empire to which Israel was expected to pay tribute; but otherwise they were little molested.

Professor Hannay believes that over three million Israelites were taken in all to Assyria, but this is probably exaggerated. However, we must bear in mind that before Assyria could invde Israel they had to go through and overcome the Hittite empire, which came to an end four years after Samaria, after Carshemish was taken in 714 B.C. As perhaps half of the population of the Hittites, the Catti, were israelites, we cna readly see that a large number of Israelites went into Assyrian captivity and into the land of the Medessouth of the Caspian Sea.

Living there semi-independently for the next hundred years, those Saks or Saki, as they appear on various eastern inscriptions, like the Behistun Rock, became the predominating element in Media, just as their ancestors had been in Phoenicia. They, in fact, were the leaders in the Medic wars of rebellion, first against Assyria and later aganst Babylon. For a period, it seems, the Saks passed uner the name of Manda, a title derived fromone of their chieftans, and modern historians such as Professor Sayce believe now tht it was of those Manda or Saki that Cyaxares was king.

It was they who under Cyaxares joined with the Babylonians under Nabopolassar, marched against Nineveh in 606 B.C., and destroyed it after a two years� siege, when the last Zar of Assyria, Ashur-Etililani, determined to perish in the flames of his capital and made a funeral pyre of his court. It was here tht the people of Israel again fullfilled their Divine Destiny as God�s Battle Axe, as we read;

Jeremiah 51:20‑21

20: Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;

21: And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider.

The power of Assyria had been the chosen medium to take Israel into captivity, but only a century later that power was destroyed by the sons of the prisoners they took into captivity.

After the Fall of Asshur the Saks or Saki became the dominant power in that region and, let it be noted, at the very time that the kindom of Judah ended in Palestine and went into Babylonian captivity. About that tie a large host of the Saks moved northward across the Araxes River and through the Caucasus Mountains into Southern Russia,where they became known as the Scythians, the Latin term for the Greek word Skuthai for Sak-Geloth, meaning the �prisoners of Sak.� Some writers also speak of them as the Skolotoi.

Before we follow the Saks into Europe, let us devote a few pages to those of their brethern who remained in Media. Professor Waddell in his map of Eastern Asia gives western Media as the home of the Guti or Catti, which name we have seen is a derivation of Gadil or Gad, and therefore either men of Gad or Judah or both, as we have seen they formed the backbone of the growing power of Media.

From a cylinder bearing the name of Cyrus we learn that Gobyras, General of the Guti in the army of Cyrus, came against Babylon and took it in 536 B.C. This was that memorable destruction of Babylon on the night of Belshazzar�s feast, as told in the fifth chapter of Daniel. Here agian Israel played their presentined roles as God�s battle axe. In the words of Jeremiah 51:24-25; 28-29:

Jeremiah 51:24‑25

24: And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion in your sight, saith the LORD.

25: Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain

Jeremiah 51:28‑29

28: Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.

29: And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant.

For many years Orientalists could find no trace of this Babylonian Belshazzar and discredited the story of Belshazzar�s feast, until Sir Henry Rawlinson found an inscription at Ur asserting that �near the end of his reign Nabonidus (the last king of Babylon) associated Belsharsizzar his eldest son with him on the throne.

Daniel 5:31 states that Darius the Mede took Babylon. This Darius is also a mysterious figure, as Cyrus was king of Medo-Persia when Babylon was taken, the word Darius being merely a title, meaning lord or governor. Cyrus was succeeded by Cambyses in 529 B.C., and the latter was succeeded by Darius Hystaspes in 521 B.C. He was the king during whose reign the Temple was rebuilt, as told in the first chapter of Haggai. Even the Scofield Bible questions who this Darius is who took Babyloy and suggests that he is Gobryas. If he is, then he as chief of the Guti was an Israelite, who as general for Cyrus ended the power of Babylon.

It appears, however, that Cyrus himself was defeated and killed by the Saki in 529 B.C. Herodotus and Dodorus tell us that Cyrus was killed by the Massagetai, under their queen Tomyris on the Jaxartes River. Another prominent name attached tiself to lost Israel, that of Getai, which is the Medic form of Guti or Catti, and likewise means �wanders,� or �adventurers,� and indeed such they were, wandering over Eastern Asia for centuries and later into Europe. Massagetai, means, according to Professor George Rawlinson, �Great Wanerers,� and it was they who defeated Cyrus the Great when he attempted to invade their territory on the jaxartes river east of the Oxus. Herodotus in stating that the Massagetai lived on the Araxes is mistaken about the river�s location and means the Jaxartes.

Just as the history of Greece or Hellas begins with a mythical age, so also has the history of Persia its mythical beginning. The early Persian literature of the Zend Avesta is full of tradition of an heroic age with noble deeds and old-time chivalry. Accurate Persian history dates back to Alexaznder the Great, but previous to that legendary history goes back to the heroes of the Asa or Aglai and the Saki in the mythical stories of the Zend Avesta, all of whom were our friends the people of Israel, who, beginning about 700 B.C., had spred themselves over that territory between th eCaspioan Sea, the Hindu Kush, and the Persian Gulf, and even as far north as the Jaxartes River, where they founded Samarkand, meaning �New Samaria.�

This was the period of Zoroaster or Zarathustra, who was undoubtedly a Catti ro Israelite and who introduced the Bel-fire worship of the Catti from the Phoenician homeland into Ariana, the Persia of later days. Zoroaster taught the existence of ne God, the cretor of all things, to whom all things belong. Zoroaster�s faith was a religion of righteousness or �Asha,� from which is derived the word Asia. Like the Phoenicians, he and his followers worshiped God through His visible symbol, the Sun, from which the Parsee religin developed which stillsurvives in India until today.

The language of these Saki of Zoroaster�s time was the ancient Zend in which the Avesta, the ancient lore, is written, as well as the Gathas or sacred hymns. As the Saki were Phoenicians, so also was their langage, the Zend, a variatin of it, which probably had survived in this district from the time that the earliest Aryans or Adamites came down from the mountans of the Hindu Kush 1800 years before them.

It was at this period, 700-600 B.C., that the Runic charactres developed from the Phoenician script, which characters we find engraved in that region as far east as Lake Aral, where the Massageti lived, and all across Russia to northern Germany, Scandinavia, England and Iceland. In those Runic characters the Sagas of the Saghs and Goths were written, the Gathas of Zoroaster and the Eddas of the Norsemen, which again are derived from the earlier Vedas of the Indo-Aryans.

All of these ancient Sagas, though considered today only as fictitious literature contain the legendary lore of the heroes of ancient times, who were the forefathers of th eGoths and the Scythians, the Getai or Guti of Tyrkland or Turkestan, and the Saks of Sakland, suth of the Caucasus. There in that reging south of the Caspian Sea was the cradle of the so-called Nordic races, and there also the cemetary of ancient Israel. Where Israel disappeared from the pages of history the Anglo-Saxons and the Goths were born.

An investigatin into the origin of the Buddhist religion will show that it originated about 500 B.C., in the mountains of northern India among a people called the Sakyas. The name of Buddha himself is associated with that of Sakya. It is an open questin whether a man by the name of Buddha ever existed. Some even associate him with the Odin of the Goths or with Thoth. Scholars believe that Buddhism is a survival of the early Sun cult of the Aryans. As the word Budda is derived form the Sanskrit root budh, �to know� or �to awake,� it expresses therefore the type of religion or philosophy that Buddhim is. What is of chief interest to us, however, is that the Sakyas of northern India, the people who were the originator so buddhism, were a branch of our friends the Saki, Saghs, or Asa of Ariana, who had crossed into northern India.

Our frontispiece shows a reproductin of a rock carving, near the city of Bhopal in India, known as the �Topez of the Sachi,� dating from the fourth century B.C. (Taken from British History Traced, by Roberts) Not only thename of Saki but also the picture of itself is of great interest to us. Below we see a Lion and a Unicorn, which are the emblems of the whole house of Israel, the Lion of Judah, and the Unicorn the calf or Engle of the separated kingdom of northern Israel. Both figures are still on the British coat of Arms. In the center we see the shield of Britannia, or the Brits or Covenant race, together with two tridents, the same as that held by Britannia on our Plate VI. On one side hangs a double flag with the crosses fo St. Andrew and on the other a starry banner. Of all the ancient stone carvings this is the most striking and of the greatest importance to us, for in it we can see that the original pattern for the Union Jack and the STAR SPANGLED BANNER WAS IN THE MINDS OF OUR ANCESTORS TWENTY-THREE CENTURIES AGO and probably before that, not onl in Europe but in distant Asia.

The Saki again are mentioned on the Behistun Rock inscriptino, whereon Darius the Great bosts that he had taken some of them as prisoners. (About 500 B.C.) One of the Saki, shown on the stone carving, by the name of Sakunka wears the typical conical cap of the Goths or Scyths. As Darius was at that period ruler of the whole Medo-Persian empire, extending from the mediterranean to the Indus, the Saks were of course citizens of his empire and continued so until two centuries later, when Alexander the Great invaded Persia. It was the Saks, the Getai, and the Skuths who gave him more trouble than any of the other peopel he had encounterd, and during his invasion many of themleft their eastern homes and trekked around the Caspian Sea to join their kinsmen, the European Scythians.

After the battle of Ipus in 301 B.C., the whole of Persia fell under the sway of Seleucus, and when his kingdom broke up fifty years later there arose a new power, Parthia, whose very name, identical to Parthy, Prat, or Brat indicates that its people were of the Covenant race of Israel the Saki. (Refer to Professor Waddell�s explanation of the variant spellings of Brit, Brat, or Prat in Chapter V)

The Parthian revolt against the Greeks was headed by Ar-sakes, whose name, meaning �the ruling Sak,� again proves who the leading element of Parthia were. It must be explained here that not all of the people or Ariana in those days were Saki; no indeed, the main population of that country was Hamitic and also Sarmatians of Japhetic strain and in the most eastern sections were even some Turanian or Mongolian people.

But it was the Saks who started what civilizaiton that part of the world enjoyed, as they have likewise carried civilization to every other country. The Parthians were renowned as horsemen and archers. They were clad in mail, by which their steeds were also protected. Their military tactics were proverbial. For almost three centuries the Parthian power extended its sway, even into Syria, where they defeated a Roman army; but after 50 A.D., their power decliined, for the good reason that the Saghs who had been the backbone of thenation departed and followed their kinsmen into Europe.

Some 600 B.C., these wanderings of Israel into Europe had been in progress. After the Fall of Nineveh in 606 B.C., the parent stock of the Saks left their homes in Sakland and departed for Arsareth, taking the plunder of Nineveh with them. It is evidently this exodus that is spoken of in 2 Esdras 13:39-46:

39: And whereas thou sawest that he gathered another peaceable multitude unto him;

40: Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried

them over the waters, and so came they into another land.

41: But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,

42: That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.

43: And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.

44: For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.

45: For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.

46: Then dwelt they there until the latter time ...

Starting from their homeland in Sakland, between the present Tabriz and the caspian, they crossed the Araxes River and through a pass in the Caucasus migrated into the steppes of Southern Russia, moving westward along the shores of the Black Sea as far as the carpathian mountains. From these mountains flows a river named Sereth, mentioned by Esdras, Ar meaning river.

This Sereth, oke the Pruth, is a tributary of the Danube. The name Pruth is another variant of the Prat or Barat name of Israel. There in the present countries of Moldavia and Bessarabia they came into conflict with the Cimmerians, an earlier flock of Israel, whom they drove westward into the present Germany. As the name of Scyth or Skuth is derived fromSak Geloth, it appears that it was they who gave Scythia its name. Pliny says:

�The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia, who settled in Armenia and were called Sacca-sani.�

Diodorus Siculus, the Greek historian of the time of Caesar wrote of them:

�The Scythians, formerly an inconsiderable few, possessed a narrow strip on the Araxes, but by degrees they became powerful in numbres and in courage.�

A reading of the fourth book of Herodotus makes it clear that the people of Scythia were by no means of one and the same race. Some of them were agriculturists and civilized, while others were Slavic and even Turanian nomads and savages. He says, for instance:

�The Sakai, who were Skuths, had on their heads caps, which came to a point and stood erect; they also wore loose trousers and carried bows, daggers, and battle axes...These Amyrgian Skuths are called Sakai.�

Which stands to reason for the Children of Israel were from four different women, with different characteristics, values, morals and etc., yet they had one thing in common and that was that they all had the same father.

The Scythians told Herodotus that their naton had beenin existence for a thousand yers previous to the invasion of Darius. If we date, therefore, a thousand years backwardsfromt he time of Darius, 515 B.C., we arrive at 1485 B.C., the date of the Exodus, when Israel was founded.

This referred to what Herodotus called the Royal Scythians, who considered the other tribes in the light of slaves. These lived on the Gerrhus, a tributary of the present Dniester. Herodotus includes among the Scythian tribes the Getae, who lived on the shores of the Danube, i.e., the Arsareth of Esdras. Getate, we have already seen means merely �wanderers,� and such the Saki were. Those Getae, as Herodotus tells us, believed in their immortality, going aftre their death to Zalmoxis, which means nothing less than the �God of Moses.� So also ws the country where the Getae lived named Moesia, for in it lived the �people of Moses.�

Many tumuli have been found in Southern Russia,some of whose interiors were built of white marble. In these were found chariots, pottery, jewelry, bracelets, gold,a nd precious stones of the finest workmanship and greatest abundance. The finest of those tumuli is that of Solokha in the Crimea, which served as a mausoleum for the Scythian kings for several centuries.

This tomb contained magnificent furnishings of silver and gold. One of the royal skeletons found in it wore a heavy golden necklace with lion headed ends. Couching lions are also ver prominent on the exquisite repouse work of solid gold, adorning the walls and on the various gold and silver ornaments found, as well on the handles and sheaths of the swords, which themselves were made of rine steel.

The repousse relief work pictured mostly battle and hunting scenes, on which the warriors appear in chai mail coats. It is also noteworthy that they are not bare-legged like the Greeks of that period were, but are wearing trousers. All the ornamental design is of most unusual excellence. Descriptions of the tomb which dates of the fourth century B.C., are found in the AmericanJournal of Archaeology of 1914,Vol. XVIII, and in the Illustratd London News of January 3 and February 14, 1914.

Professor Hannay refers to a Hebrew manuscript found in one of those tumuli, which reads:

�I am Juhudi, the son of Moses, the osn of Jehudi the Mighty, a man of the tribe of Naphtali, which was carried captive with the other tribes of Israel, by the Prince Shalmaneser, from Samaria during the reign of Hoshea, King of Israel. They were crried to Halah, to Harbor; which is Cabul to Gozan and to the Chersonesus, which is the Crimea.�

This confirms the story of these wanderers or Scythis, the people of Israel, who were taken to the river Gozan, theidentical story to that found in 2 Kings, but it also tells us of the later wanderings to the Crimea.

In the Crimea have also been found numerous ancient cemeteries with Hebrew-Phoenician inscriptions on their tombstones; sevenhundred of them have been deciphered by Professor Chwolsen of Petrogrrad. Our Plate XXI gives us a photograph of one of them, but it will be noticed that the sscript is not the square Hebrew but marks a transition from the Phoenician characters to the later Hebrew.

The inscription as translated reads:

�This is the tombstone of Buki, the son of Itchak the priest: may his rest be in Eden, at the time of the salvation of Israel. In the year 702 B.C., of the y ears of our exile.�

If we date the exile from the Fall of Samaria in 717 B.C., then the 702nd year of the Exile would be 15 B.C.

Another inscription reads:

�To one of the faithful in Israel, Abraham ben Mar-Sinchah of Kertch, in the year of our exile 1682, when the envoys of the Prince of Rosh Meshek came from Kiou to our master Chazar Prince David, Halmah, Habor and Gozan, to which place Tiglath Pileser had exiled the sons of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and permitted to settle there, and from which they have been scattered through the entire coast even as far as China.�

This again corroborates our story of the wanderings of Israel, the Saki. But the dating of 1682 years for the exile must refer to the founing of the nation at the time of the Exodus, 1486 B.C., which woud fix the date of the tombstone at 197 A.D.

It is of some great interest that when all those inscriptions are there, telling of the sojourning of Israelites in Southern Russia, that scholars have� paid no attentin to them; but we may assume the main reason for this neglect is that, as the Jews have passed for Israel, the scholars have asumed that those early Israelites were the ancestors of the Russian Jews.

As the Russian Jews are descended from the Jews driven ut of Spain five centuries ago, there is no c0nnection between the present Jews of Russia and those early Israelites, whom the ancient writrs call Sakasuni, Saki, Guti, Getai, Sak-Geloths, Skuthai, Skoloti, and Scythians. Ptolemy mentions a Scythian race sprung from the Sakai, called Saxones. They came, he said, from the country of the Medes. Aeschylus, the Greek poet, tells us:

�The Sacae wre noted for good laws, and were preeminently a righteous people.�

Albinus said:

�The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae of Asia, and that in process of time they came to be called Saxons.�

The so-called scholars which are mentioned scholars, but not named, were most;y Jewish scholars; and because of that they did not want the truth to be presented to the world at large, for it would destroy the lie that they had so carefully fostered for so many years. But the truth of the matter is that according to the Jewish Encyclopedias 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, Eastern Europe and Western Mongolia; these are the Askanzi Jews. The other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic Jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hitites, Armorites,l Prizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some True Israelites. THE JEWS HAVE NEVER BEEN ISRAELITES; THEY ARE NOT ISRAELITES NOW; AND THEY WILL NEVER BE ISRAELITES.

On the other hand, modern historians and every Encyclopedia state that the Scythians were uncivilized barabarians, using as drinking cups the skulls of their slain enemies. Such indeed most of them were, as Herodotus tells us; yet th econtents of the tumuli of Southern Russia, and particularly those of the royal tumulus of Solokha, prove by the ingenuity and workmanship of carvings in marble, silver, and god that their builders were something more than savages.

If it is true that the Scythians left no ruins of cities behind them to tell of their existence, it must be remembered first that they were mostly agriculturits and second that such cities would have been levelled ot the ground by the dreadful invasions of the Huns and other Turanian peoples that swept over russia for centuries.

When abut 330 B.C., Alexander the Gret had conqured Macedonia and advanced northwards into the land of the Danuybe, where the Getae dwelt, the latter evaded him and moved northwards across Europe to the shores of the Baltic; and it is there tht pytheas of marseilles found them in the third century B.C., and called them Gutones. They called themselves Guta-thiuda, meaning �people of the Goths.� Thus, by their name of Guta they prove that they were the Guti, Catti, or Getai of Asia Minor.

Mr. H. Bradley in his work, The goths, writes:

�More than 300 years before the birth of Christ a traveller from the Greek colony of Marseilles, named Pytheas, made known to the civilized world the existenc eof a people called Guttones... who traded in the amber that was gathered on the Baltic shores...Four four whole centuries, these amber merchants were eard of no more. Then the elder Pliny, who died in the year 79 A.D., tells us that in his time they were still dwelling in the same neighborhood...In many respects the career of this people is strikingly different from that of any other nation of equal historic renown.

�For 300 years, beginning with the days of Tacitus, their history consists of little else than a dreary record of barbarian slaughter and pillage. A century later, the Goths have become themightiest nation in Europe. One of their kings sits on the throne of the Caesars, the wisest and most beneficent ruler that Italy has known for ages; the other reigns over Spain, and the righest part of Gaul. We look forward 250 years, and the Gothic Kingdoms are no more; the nation itself has vanished from the stage of history, leaving scarcely a trace behind.�

In this relatin, it is very important and interesting that in the Gothic epic of Beowulf, written about 1000 A.D., the hero of the story, Beowulf, is a son of Ecgtheow, king of the Geats or Getae. The poem also relates many particulars in the history of the royal houses of the Danes, Swedes, angles, and Ostrogoths. (Refer to Bewulf in Encyclopedia Britannica)

The name of the Goths may have vanished from history, but not the people; at least not in Germany and Scandinavia, for another form of Gutones is Tutons. A study of the articles �Teutones� and �Teutonic Languages� in the Encyclopedia Britannica tells us that the old Germans, Teutons, and Goths were one and the same family of people, speaking the same language and believing in the same gods.

It is unfortunate that since the World War it has become fashionable with some English writers to denounce everything by thename of German and to disavow any relationship with them, one of those writers openly stating that he �woul hate to be related to the Germans.� (Of course the author was a Jew) Such hate is unbecomin to a scolar and throws grave doubts upon the reliability of his work.

Such and attitude could be exucsed during the heat of the War, but it is mischievous, deceitful and unscientific to continue such propaganda. Even the royal house of England has renounced the name of queen Victoria�s Prionce Consort of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, a name which surely is Saxon nd Gothic enough. If they renounced that name, why not also the name of Guelph, which is also German or Teutonic.

The English, the Gerrman, the Dutch, and the Scandinavian languages are all branches of one central stem, the anceith Gothic, the early ymbols of which were the Runes and Futhorks, which in turn are derived from the Aryan-Phoenician, as Professor Waddell has shown ans as any study of the history of the alphabet will reveal.

The Odin of the Norse is the Wooden of the Angles and the Wotan of the Germans, and Scandinavina: Sunday, devoted to the Sun god; Mondy, to the Moon god; thurskay, to Thor the god of thunder; Friday, to Freya; and Saturday, to Saturn. It is true that the Germans of today are not pure Saxon and Gothic, but have a large mixture of Japhetic blood and the strain of Ishmael among them; but from the Elbe westward th eSaxon element predominates. It is tragic that Germany of today should go back to her ancient mythology, to the Swastika, and even practice the rites of Sun worship; but it establishes, nevertheless, the common ancestry of Teutons, Saxons, and Celts.

A perusal of the Eddas, a collection of the ancient Sagas of the Goths, collected by Snorri Sturluson in the twelfth century tells us how odin led the Asa, who called themselves a Divine race, from the shores of the Black Sea through Russia into southern Scandinavia, where they became the aristocracy.

It is from the Eddas that we learn of the gods of the ancient Asia men: thor, Balder, Frig, Himdall, Aegir, Freya, and the Valkyies. One of the Sagas recites how God, disguised as a man name drig, met on the seashore the first pair, named Ai and Edda, and gave them the power of childbearing, and from them has sprung the race of the Thralls.

Concerning the Eddas, Professor Waddel on page 73 of his Aryan Origin of the Alphabet writes:

�The Runic letters of the Goths, British, Scandinavians and Anglo-Saxons, and used by Cadmon or Caedmon, uniquely preserve numerous archaic features of their Sumerian parents, which indicate far remoter and more independent origin than the Greek or Roman letters from which they have been supposed to be derived. This confirms the vastly remote antiquity of the great Gothic epics which the Runic writing enshrines, namely, �The Eddas.� These Eddas, I find, are ot mythoogical poems of Gothic �gods� as hitherto supposed, through their mutilated and preverted Teutonic �translations� and �paraphrases;� but are the genuine historical Gothic tradition, handed down in writing continuously through the ages on the rise of the Aryans, Sumerians, or Goths under King Heria. Thor or Ar-Thur, and of their struggles and achievements in establishing the Higher Civilization in the Ancient World.�

We have already seen that Professor Waddell has shown that the Gothic Thor is derived from ar in Indara, the Aryan name for Yahweh. Thor therefore is none other than the Gothic pagan name for Yahweh, and they made Him the god of thunder and of Justice.

The Hebrew-Phoenician inscriptions found in the Crimea and vicinity indicate that the Saki, who eft those inscriptions there,were not a heathn people and were conscious of their Israelitish descent, while on theother hand the mythology of the Goths shows that they were pagans. The enigma thus presented can only be explained by the fact that most of the Gothic sagas center around Odin, who, although made a deity in later years, was nevertheless a man and a leader of the Aesir, Asen, Asa, or Asia men, whose capital was at Asgard in Asaheim, where his castle, the Valhalla, was located.

Odin�s actual existence was in the last half of the third century A.D., as fixed by Anderson�s Royal Genealogy and quoted by Milner in his Royal House of Britain. As Odin is the central figure of Germanic mythology, it appears, therefore,that the Odin sagaitself cannot be much older than the fifth century A.D.

Odin�s people, the Aesir, Asa, or Asia men,were the descendants of those Asa or Angli of Ariana east of the caspian Sea, whom we haveseen previously were the Israelites who stayed in Media and became the civilizing element of that nation and district, the people who embraced the faith of Zoroaster, the religion of Asha, which gave Asia its name.

With the coming of those Asa or Asen in about 200 B.C., began that mighty movement of people from Asia, known as the Voelker-wanderung, which continued for centuries and hurled one wave after another of Asiatics, Israelites, Ishmaelites, Sarmatian Slavs, and Mongolian Huns upon the countries of Europe and supplied Europe with the races she holds today. The mighty Asen broke the power of the Royal Scythians and occupied their capital city of Gerrhus on the Enieper, which became Asgard. The invasion of those Asa pushed the Sakai or Royal Scyths into Germany, whre they appear as the Saxons, who migrated north of the Carpathians thrugh Silesia into Saxony and the countries west of the Elbe like Wesphalia and Hanover.

For about four centuries those Asa or �Mighty Asen� stayed in Asaland, until the third century A.D., when under the leadership of Odin they started on the westward move again and headed straight along the shores of the Baltic to the North Sea coast, where they appear as the Angles. In their westward push they came into contact with their cousins, the Gatae or Goths, whom they scattered northwars into Goetaland or Sweden and southward into Germany. There are other people in Sweden besides the Goths: some of the Donsk people or Danites settled there centuries before our era, and other Scythian tribes, but, besides the Lapps of the extreme north, all the Scandinavians came from that cradle of humanity south of the Black and caspian seas.

The so-called Nordic race did not originate in the north but in EasternAsia. That nordic group is an important part of the Aryan race, BUT TO THAT RACE ALSO BELONG THE JEWS, WHOSE FEATURES ARE DERIVED FROM A STRONG INFUSION OF EDOMITE BLOOD. MANY OF THE PRESENT DAY JEWS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF THOSW HO ESCAPED THE ROMAN WARS OF A.D. 70 AND 135.

The German scholars found out that before long and to their sorrow. However, our professors also know as little about our race as the Germans do about theirs, because for over a century our universities and seminaries imitated everything that the German sceptics thought; and now the whole intellectual world is bemuddled.

Odin�s people, the �Mighty Asa,� considered themselves to be a Divine Race. Professor Waddell in his Aryan Origin states that in the Gothic Runes the letter A is pronounced asa or ace, meaning �the one,� or �the first one.� We still have the Ace in a pack of cards.

Our letter A is derived from the Phoenician letter Aleph (bull),which originally lay on its side, representing the orns of a bull and referring to the time when the Fall Equinox (lunar) lay in Taurus the Bull, at which time the creation of Adam took place and the Adamic calendar began.

We find Adam also find Adam as pictured on an Accadian carving wearing horns as a head dress. The meaning of it is that as the Bull, Aleph, was the first of the Cosntellations in Adamic chronology, so Adam also was the father of the Aryan race, the first One, the Ace or Asa, the holder of the Birthright. This Birthright was given to Ab-ra-ham, the father of the ruling multitude; and it was upon Joseph and his two sons, Ephraim and mnasseh, that the Birthright was conferred by the dying Jacob; hence, the symbol of that promise and of that tribe was a bull or unicorn.

It is therefore not surprising that the people of Odin, the Asa, or Angles, should in their homeland inArians, inAsaland and also in North Germany, wear the horns of a bull as their head dress, either brazen helmets having the ears and horns of an ox or else acutally wear the horns of one, as shown on pictures of Odin and his Asa or Angli.

The prophet Hosea quite frequently speaks of the kingdom of Israel as Samaria or Ephraim; and because of their worship of the Golden Calf they were cast off by Yahweh:

Hosea 8:5

5: Thy calf (Engle), O Samaria, hath cast thee off; mine anger is kindled against them: how long will it be ere they attain to innocency?

The Hebrew for calf is Engle, and the calf, ox, or unicorn remained the heraldic sign f Ephraim in their captivity and wanderings; hence they passed under the name of Angli and Asa. Of Ephriam it was said by Moses in the 33rd chapter of Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy 33:17

17: His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

Whether the Angli were conscious of that prophecy or not we do not know, but at any rate they loved to dress up in their crude taste, looking like bulls and unicorns; like bulls they pushed their enemies. The name of John Bull is still attached to the Angles until this day and the unicorn is still seen on the coat of arms of Great Britain, as it is seen on the rock carvings of the Sachi in India, shown on our frontspiece.

Before the coming of the Angles into northern Germany,there arrived anther related tribe, that of the Juti, in the peninsula to the north of the Angli, who gave the country the name of Jutland. They were the Juti of Ariana, who were the descendants of the people of Judah whom Sennacherib took into Assyria in the reign of Hezekiah, as related in 2 Kings 18:3.

Professor D.D. Luckenbill in his work, Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylon, gives the translation from the Taylor Prism of Sennacherib�s own record of his campaign against Juday.

�As for Hezekiah, the Jew (should be Judean), who did not submit to my yoke, 46 of his strong walled cities, as well as the small cities in their escalade and by bringing up siege engines, by attacking and storming on foot, by mines, tunnels and breaches I took, 200,150 people, great and small, male and female, horses, mules, asses, camels, cattle and sheep without number. I brought away from them and counted as spoil. Himself, like a cage bird, I shut up in Jerusalem, his royal city.�

This we see that over two hundred thousand Judahites were taken into Assyria (about 700 B.C.), while not half of that number of Jews (Judeans) were taken a hundred years later into Babylonian captivity, from which only forty thousand returned. Those Jewish (Judean) prisoners in Assyria moved east into the mountains of Central Asia as the Yoti,but when that great migration of peples began into Europe about the time of Christ, they too followed that westward urge and finally settled in the Danish Islands and in Jutland, Yut, or Judahland.

They also took a prominent part in the Anglo-Saxon invasion of England during the fifth century and large numbers of those Jutes settlednthe east coast of Scotland. The Gaelic Irish Scot Highlanders of the west of Scotland were also of the tribe of Judah, it makes most of the people of Scotland belong to that tribe. This woud explain thne the close character of the canny Scotch and the Jews, as illustrated in the following anecdote:

�A Scotchman and a Jew met at the beach, and each goasted that he culd stay under the water longer than the other. So they finally made a bet: hge who came up first would have t pay a shilling. But neither won the bet; both were drwned, for netierh would risk the shilling.

During the first century B.C., Rome was the mistress of the world, but not even Caesar attempted to extend his dominons into Germany, the land of the Teutons. When abut 6 A.D., Varus the Roman general invaded Germany,he got only asfar as Westphalia. Herrman or Armenius, a Saxon chieftain, united the German tribes and destryed the Roman army, consisting of three legions, in 9 A.D., in the forest of Teutoburg.

This was one of the decisive battles of history, and Rome was compelled to relinquish her grip on Germany. It was yet another time that Israel, God�s battle axe, came into collison with the fourth world empire of Daniel and checked the expansion of that empire. That victory over the Roman legions is commemorated in a gigantic monument, 170 feet in height, crowned by the figure of Armenius eith drawn sword, ereced in 1875 near the German city of Detmold in Westphalia.

After that defeat the Romans kept on the left bank of the Rhine; but the Teutons soon followed them there, and great campaigns took place during the next century. In one battle 80,000 Romans were slain, and in 103 B.C., 300,000 of the Teutons in two great battles at Aix and Milan.

�To produce armies that could sustain such wars as these,� writes Major de Weldon in his Origin of the English, �the counry of the Teutons must have covered a very large area of the German and Russian forests. It is scarcely likely that about the same period and in much the same country there wuld be three separate peoples called by such similar names as Gutons, Teutons, and Jotuns.�

However, the great Gothic invasions of the Roman Empire did ot come until the fourth century and werecaused by thesons of the mighty Odin, who became the chieftains of the various Teutonic tribes and thus founded the confederacy of the Visigoths or Western Goths. Odin himself retired northward into Denmark and southern Sweden, where he died. Odinsee in Denmark still commemorates his coming.

The Rev. Milner in his Genealogical Chart shows that Odin was a descendant of Priam, king of Troy,and thus als of the house of Judah-Zarah, like Gallam, the conquerer of Ireland, and Brutus Milner�s authrities are the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, the Icelandic Landfedgatel, and a Herald�s College MS. The latter MS, tells that Odin in 250 A.D., married Frea, the daughter of Cadwalladr, king of Siluria and also of the line of Brutus. From the sons of Odin and Frea is descended Runik, the founder of the Russian Empire in 840; the house of Wettin that has frunished the royal families of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Saxony, and Coburg-Gotha; and the house of Guleph, to which belong the house of Hanover, Brunswick, Luneburg, Mecklenburg, Bavaria, and a host of other German noble families. Thus we see how Judah has furnished the Scepters for Israel.

It appears, however, that a body of the Baltic Goths separated before the coming of Odin and moved southward, back to their former home along the Danube, where they appeared as the Ostrogoths under their king Ostrogotha. From Ostro the name of Austraia is derived.

For a century the Roman Empire stood against the Gothic invasion, the reason being that Christianity was spreding rapidly at that time in southern Europe. Wulfila spread it from Constantinople, where he translated the Bible into Gothic. But many centuries wereyet to pass before the northern G0thic peoples, the Saxons, Jutes, and the Angles should hear of Jesus Christ.

In Sweden Odin was defied and the faith in him continued there until the elevent century A.D. The reason why the north of Euyrope did not accept Christianity later was the invasion of the Huns, who drove a wedge between the Gothic nations of the North and South. The Huns pentrated Europe as far west as northern France, until in 451 A.D., their power was ended in the battle of Chalons by the combined Roman Gothic armies under Theodoric.

At the death of Theodosius in 395 A.D., the Roman Empire was divided by his two sons: Arcadius became the emperor of the East, and Honorius emperor of the West; but shortly after the Visigoths rose in rebellion and chose Alaric as their king. In 400 A.D., they besieged Italy but were repulsed. A second invasion in 408 A.D., was more successful. Rome was besieged and taken and plundered by the Goths. From this blow Rome never recovered, and from that time forward rapidly declined; and that mortal blow was again delivered by the people of Israel, the Goths, who fulfilled their Divinely appointed mission to break in pieces the nations.

Three of the four empires in the vision of Daniel, (Refer to The Seven Times, Chapter III, Tracing Our Ancestors, by Frederick Haberman) But the nations of the Goths did not last very much longer either. Intertribal wars with the Lombards and the Franks, who were nothing else than different divisions of Israel at that time, disintegrated the Gothic power, which disappeared from history in the eighty centruy in Spain; only the Spanish nobility are still prud of their descent and so were the Huguenots of France, who refused to bow their necks to the power of Papal Rome. Israel was not to be established on the continent of Europe, although there are millions of people on the continent today who are of the stock of Israel. The Stone Kingdom was to be established in the Isles of the West.

We have already seen tht Ireland had been settled by Danites and the Gadelos of Judah, from whom develped the splended race, the Irish Scots. We have lerned of the coming of Brutus and his Brits that gave Albion her new name, the Covenant land; Brit-ain. For a thousand years British civilization developed. It was to this Covenant land tht the Kigndom was transferred n the same year that it was taken from the Jews in Palestine, as our Lord had foretold;

Matthew 21:43

43: Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

In the year 36 A.D., the Seventy Weeks that were determined upon Daniel�s people, the Judeans, to finish their transgression was completed. In 36A.D., after the Jew had rejected the preaching of the Gospel and had stoned Stephen to deah, Paul was converted and commissioned to carry the Gospel to Israel. The kingdom was taken from the Jews and in the very same year was established in Britain, when Joseph of Ariamathea founded the first Christian Church at Glastonbury, England.

The Rev. R.W. Morgan, Welshantiquarian and scholar, stated on page 111 of his book St. Paul in Britian:

�Christianty was first introduced into Britain by Joseph of Arimathea, 36-39 A.D.; followed by Simon Zelotes,the apostle; thenby Aristobulus, the first bishop of the Britons; then by Paul. Its first converts were memembers of the royal family of Siluria; that is, Gladys the sister of Caradoc. Gladys (Claudia) and Eurgen his daughters, Linus his son, converted in Britain before they were carried into captivity at Rome. The two cradles of Christianity in Britainwere Ynys Wydrin, �the Crystal Isle,� translated by the Saxons Glastonbury, in Somersetshire, where the earliest chuches and schools, next to Ynys Wydrin, were counded by the Silurian dynasty. Ynys Wydrin was also commonly known as Ynys Avalon, and in Latin �Domus Dei,� �Secretum Dei.��

2 Timothy 4:19‑21

19: Salute Prisca and Aquila, and the household of Onesiphorus.

20: Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.

21: Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and CLAUDIA (Gladys), and all the brethren.

Again, he says on page 123:

�Joseph and his company, including Lazarus, Mary, Martha, Marcella and Maximin, came at the invitatin of certain Druids of high rank, from Marseilles into Britan, circiter 38 or 39 A.D.; were located at Ynys Avalon, the seat of a Druidic cor, which was subsquently made over to them in free gift by Arviragus. Here they build the first church, which became the centre and mother of Christianity in Britain. Here also they terminated their moral career, the gentle and conciliatory character of Joseph securing the protection of the reigning family, and the converson of many of its members. Joseph died and was interred in 76 A.D.�

This founding of the first church inEurope is also confirmed by numbers of scholars from Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea to Archbishop Ussher,the compiler of our Bible chronology. We can only qute a few h ere

Gladas, the British historian of the sixth century tells us:

�We know that Christ, the true Sun, offered his light to our island in the last year of Tiberias Caesar.�

The Church of Avalon, in Britian, no other hands than those of the disciples of our Lord, themselves, built.� (Publius Discipulus)

�The mother church of the British Isles is the churchin Insula Avallonia, called by the Saxons, Glastonbury.� (Bishop Ussher)

�If credit be given to ancient authors, this church of Glastonbury is the senior church of the world.� (Bishop Fuller)

�It is certain that Britan received the faith in the first age from the first source of the Word. Of all the churches whose origin I have investigated in Britain, the church of Glastonbury is the most ancient.� (Sir Henry Spillman)

Capellus, in his history of the Apostles, says;

�I scarcely know of one author from the time of the fathers downwards, who does not maintain that Paul, after his libration prached in western Erope, Britian included.�

�Of Paul�s journey to Britain,� writes Bishop Brgess, �we have as satisfactry proof as any historicla question can be demanded.�

A copy of the Acts of the Apostles in the Turkish Archives at Constantinople contains twenty-nine chapters, one more than the Book of Acts in our Bible. This twenty-ninth chapter states,

Acts 29:1-10

`�And Paul, full of the blessings of Christ, and abounding in the spirit, departed out of Rome, determining to go into Spain; for he had a long time purposed to journey thitherwards, and he wasminded to go from thence into Britain For he had heard in Phoenicia that certain of the children of Israel, about the time of the Assyrian Captivity, had escaped by sea to the �isles afar off� as spoken by the prophet, and called by the Roman�s Britian. And the Lord had commanded the Gospel to be prechedfar hence to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. And no man hindered Paul, for he had testified boldly of Jesus before the tribunes, and among the people, and he took with him certin of the brethren which abode with him at Rome; and they took shipping at Ostium, and having the winds fair, were brought safely into an havenof Spain. An much people were gathered together from the towns and villages and the hill country; for they had heard of the conversion of the Apostle, and themany miracles which he had wrought. And Paul preached mightily in Spain, and great multitudes believed and were converted, for they perceived he was an apostle sent from God.

�And they departed our of Spain, and Paul and his company finding a ship in Armorica sailing into Britian, they went therein, and passing along the south coast, theyreached a port called Raphinus. Now when it was noised abroad that the Apotle had landed on their coast, great multitudes of the inhabitants methim, and they treated Paul courteously, and he entered in at the East Gate of their city, and lodged in the house of an Hebrew, and one of his own nation. And on the morrow he came and stood upon Mount Lud; and the people thronged at the gate, and assembled in the Broadway, andhe preached Christ unto them, and many believed the word and the testimony of Jesus Christ. And at even the Holy Ghost fell upon Paul, and he prophesied,saying: �Behold in the last days the God of peace shal dwell in the cities,and the inhabitants thereof shall be numbered; and in the seventh numbering of the people, their eyes shall be opened, and the glory of their inheritance shine forth before them. And nations shall come up to worship on the mount that testifieth of the patience and long-suffering of a servant of the Lord.�

It is strange how our scholars and theologians can ignore all those evidences, from so many different sources, and have managed to keep them from the people. Various writers have listed the authorities that testify to the establishment of the Church in Britian in the first century A.D., such as Col. McKendrick in his God�s Commonwalths, the Rev. Lionel Lewis, vicar of Glastonbury, in his Joseph of Armathea at Glastonbury, and the Rev. Morgan already quoted. Archbishop Usher quotes twenty authorities on the same question. Despite the Roman occupatin of the land, Christianity spread rapidly over England; hundreds of churches and several bishoprics were established. At the Council of Arles in 314 A.D., three bishops from Britian atteneded. Constantine, the Roman Christian emperor was born in Britain of a Godly mother, Helena.

The inscription in the church of St. Peter-Upon-Cornhill in London, tells us that the church was founded in the year of 179 A.D. From the annals of the Cathedral of Winchester we learn that in �169 A.D., There stood on a porition of the site of the present Minister an early British Church.�

226 A.D. This British Church was transformed into a pagn temple during the Roman occupation.�

293 A.D. A second Christian Church was erected during the rign of Emperor Constantine,whose son was for atime a monk in the adjoining monstery.�

825-860 A.D. This Church was enlarged by St. Swithin; and was restored by King Alfred theGreat and by St. Ethelwolf after raids by the Danes.�

All the evidences testify that a large protion of the Britons were Christian people, and even J.R. Green in his History of England, tells us of the destruction of British Churches from the North Sea tot he Severn valley by the Angles; yet modern historians willfully overlook early British Christianity and tell us that St. Augustine was the first to preach the Gospel in England. In this they are only partly right: Augustine was the first to convert the invading Angles to Christianity, after the invaders had massacred most of the Christian Britons, except Wales, where the Angles never entered.

One may wonder why that early flame of Christianity was almost extinguished in England, but there was a reason for it. The main body of the tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), the holders of the birthright blessings, given in Genesis 49:22-26, had not yet arrived; the Angles, the people of the Bull that gave England her name. When in the fourth century the Roman garrisons were withdrawn from Britain, the savage Picts from Scotland invaded the land and plundered it.

The Christian Birtons asked two Saxon warriors, Hengist and Hrsa, and their men to help them in evicting the Picts; but those Saxons or Angle warriors outstayed their welcome, finding that England was a pleasant land with fields and green pastures, and turned on their Biritish hosts and in invited their kinsmen in north Germany to come and help themselvew which they did.

For a century, from 449 to 557 A.D., the conquest of Britain and its people continued with savage fury. The invaders, the mighty Asa or Angles, launche dthemselves upon the Britons and their peaceful homes and churches, and when the Briton had almost been exterminated or driven into

wales and the surrounding isles, as far instance Iona, Britain had become England, the land of the Angles.

�The race that came to Britain was the raceof the Angles; not the Anglo-Saxons, a term only introduced from the continent after the Norman Conquest. The name give to the country was England, i.e., Angle-Land. The Church was Anglican. There were subdivisions named East Saxons, West Saxons, etc., but these were merely territorial designations brught by the Angles from their German localities. An inhabitant of Wessexwould call himself indifferently either a West Saxon or an Angle; but one of the Angle kingdom called himself a Saxon.� writs Major B. de Weldon in his Origin of the English.

There are few names in England connected with the Saxon name; most of the Saxons remained in Germany, Northern France, Switzerland and Scandinavia where their descendants still are. The term of Saxon belongs to the whole house of Israel, for �in Isaac shall thy seed be called (or named).� Scripture tells us in Genesis 21:12 and Romans 9:7.

They were to be called the �sons of Isaac,� and have been so through the centuries, the Beth-Sak, Saki, Sacae, Sakasani, Saxones, Sachsen, and Saxons. All the Angles were Saxons and so were the Danites, Catti, Getai or Goths, even the Brits; but it was the Angles who gave England her name, in the same way that the Covenant race, the Barats or Brits previously gave Britian her name. England became the other, and we all speak English.

In Exodus 19:3 we read:

3: If ye will obey my voice indeed, andkeep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine.�

Yahweh declares in Jeremiah 31:9, �Ephraim is my firstborn.� In the parable of the kingdom presented in Matthew 13:44 Christ declares: �Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field...� The 38th verse dclares that the field is the world.

Matthew 13:38

38: THE FIELD IS THE WORLD; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one.

To this we would add the following explanation; Israel, especially Ephraim

Matthew 13:41‑50


42: And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.





47: Again, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE UNTO A NET, THAT WAS CAST INTO THE SEA, AND GATHERED OF EVERY KIND (now here the judeos will claim this is all the different races; but it is not, it is the Children of Israel who have been sent into all the nations, the treasure hidden in the world; and not another race):

48: Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

49: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

50: And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Here we can see that Israel is described as a treasure hidden in the field (world) which He bought with all that He had the blood of Yahsuah; like a pearl of great price and gave all that He had for it, and like net full of good fish.

Psalm 135:4


Now the reason that the Jews have been able to deceive so many with the British Israel thing that they invented to deceive Christendom with, is because the Way (the religion of Christ) was taken from Palestine to Ireland, Scottland, and England and from there all over the world. For the kingdom was taken from the Jews who had stolen it before the time of Christ:

Matthew 21:42‑43

42: Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?


For wherever the Anglo-Saxons have gone Christianity has gone with them. Missionaries that were in �the field� years ago spoke the English tongue (language): the rest spoke German and Scandinavian. The British and Foreign Bible Society printed the Word in over seven hundred languages; that society and the American and German Bible societies are the ones that have spread the scriptures.

Thus far we have spoken only of the lost House of Israel, but there is another tribe that belongs to Israel also, that of Benjamin who was loaned Judah as a �light bearer,� as seen from 1 Kings 11:36 and 12:21.

Therefore, part of Benjamin, went with part of Judah into the Babylonian captivity in 590-85 B.C. About sixty hears later, after the capture of Babylon by Cyrus and the army of the Guti, the people of Judah and Benjamin were set free: but very few of them returned to Jerusalem.

Josephus says that �only the lowest of the low, the poor in health , in knowledge, and in ancestry, the very outcasts, and refuse of the nation� went back to Palestine. These people brought with them some Jews, which word is derived from Yehudim, meaning, according to Josephus, �the remnant of Judah.�

Which is not entirely true, for THESE JEWS WERE NOT PURE ISRAELITES, FOR DURING THEIR STAY IN PALESINTE THEY INTERMARRIED WITH THE MASTERS OF PALESTINE, THE EDOMITES, THE IDUMEANS, AND SYRIANS, AND TOOK ON THE DARK COMPLEXION AND FEATURES OF THOSE PEOPLE. Generally the Israelites were tall and fair, the cream of the Aryan race, as we find them in the Irish Scots, the pure English,a nd the Norwegians: while the Jews the �shew of their their countenance doth witness against them,� as Isaiah said.

Isaiah 3:8‑9

8: For Jerusalem is ruined, and Judah is fallen: because their tongue and their doings are against the LORD, to provoke the eyes of his glory.

9: The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.

The Jews were to be �a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall have driven them,� as Jeremiah said:

Jeremiah 24:8‑9

8: And AS THE EVIL FIGS (the Jews), WHICH CANNOT BE EATEN, THEY ARE SO EVIL; surely thus saith the LORD, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and THE RESIDUE OF JERUSALEM, THAT REMAIN IN THIS LAND, AND THEM THAT DWELL IN THE LAND OF EGYPT:


And so they have been. Nevertheless, our Doctors of Divinity, the false JudeoChristian preachers, ministers, clergy, priests and etc., have given them a halo which the Bible does not give them.

The mass of the people of Judah and Benjamin remained in Media. The descendants of Judah we have already identified with the Yute or Jutes of Jutland. H.B. Hannay shows good reson to believe tht the Galations of Asia Minor were the people of Benjamin, who had escaped from Babylon and Media, the world Galatia being derived from Galutha, Babylonian for �prisoners.�

It is also known that the Galileans of Christ�s time were Benjamites, and must have been later immigrants into Palestine, for the Jews would have little to do with them. They also spoke a different dialect from the Jews, and among the Galileans Our Lord speng most of his time; eleven of His disciples were Galilean fishermen and only one was a jew: JUDAS. At Christ�s Ascension an angel addressed His disciples, and called them �Ye Men of Galilee.� (Acts 1:11)

And examination of Paul�s Epistle to the Galatians shows that they were Israelites. Professor Max Mueller in his �Lecture on the Science of Language� said:

�The Goths made a raid from Europe to Asia, Galatia, and cappadocia, and the Christian captives whom they carried back to the Danugbe were the first to spread the light of the Gospel among the Goths.�

It is certain that when Ostrogoths left the Baltic in the third century A.D., for the Balkans, they were pagans; and it appears therefore that Wufilla, the bisop of the Goths and translator of the Bible into Gothic, was one of the captives from Cappadocia and as such a Benjaminite. Professor Waddell states that he came from Cappadocia.

As is well known the legend of St. George had its origin in Cappadocia. Professor Hannay in his European Race Origins tells us that a group of those Benjamintes left Pontus in Cappadocia about 300 A.D., in boats and started on a long voyage thrugh the Mediterranean and along the wester coast of Europe and landed finally in the fjords of Norway, where they appear as the Vikings.

Their emblem was a wolf, which was also the embllem of Benjamin, to whom his dying father Jacob in Genesis 49:29:

Gensis 49:27

27: Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.

If those Benjaminites ever heard of the Gospel, then they certainly must have �slid from grace,� for as Vikings they soon became the terror of northern Europe, living by piracy for centuries. In the ninth century the Vikings invaded northwestern France under Rolf the First, Duke of Normandy, and rapiely mixed with the population, accepted Christianity, adopted the French language, and became the Normans.

When those Normans under William the Conquerer invaded England and defeated the English inthe battle of Hastings 1066 A.D., ALL THE TRIBES OF ISRAEL WERE REGATHERED IN THE COVENANT LAND. The Normans brought the French language with them. It, together with the Gothic and early English tongues made our English as it is today. In the so-called Saxon conquest by the Angles in the fifth century A.D., most of the Britons were exterminated or made slaves by the invaders, (speaking of England only) but the Norman invasion was not as barbarous. It therefore required almost two centuries before the Angles became reconciled to the Norman conquerors, but by the end of the thirteenth century all the differnet tribal elemens had been welded into one people.

There is a prophecy in the sixth chapter of Hosea, verses 1 and 2, which reads:

Hosea 6:1‑2

1: Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

2: After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.


2 Peter 3:8

8: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Says the Good Book and give sus thereby the time scale for those three �days� in Hosea. For two �days� Israel is presented as �torn� and �smitten,� and so indeed they were during their captivities and wanderings; but with the beginning of the �third day� the Lord will raise them up.

If we date two thousand years from the Fall of Samaria in 717 B.C., we arrive at 1284 A.D., which marks the beginning of the �third day.�

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